Kontakt oss
Hvem er vi?
Hanne Finnestrand
Associate Professor of Organization development at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway. She holds a PhD in Action Research and Organization development from the same university. Finnestrand’s research area is action research in the fields of organization development, industrial relations, and socio-technical systems design. She is currently deputy editor of the Springer journal Systemic Practice and Action Research and on the editorial reviewer board of the Emerald journal The Learning Organization .
Nicolay Worren
Førsteamanuensis, Handelshøyskolen NMBU. Underviser i ledelse og organisasjonssykologi på bacholor-og masterstudiet. Hoveområde når det gjelder forskning er organisasjonsdesign (organisering av virksomheter). Begynte ved NMBU i 2015 etter 18 år i konsulentbransjen. Worren har deltatt på mer enn 25 re-organiseringer som prosjektleder/konsulent. Han har også arbeidet med strategiutvikling, strategi-implementering, HR og endringsledelse. Doktorgrad fra Oxford University og mastergrad fra McGill University (Montreal, Canada).
Johan E. Ravn
Professor of Leadership and organization at Nord University, Norway and senior research scientist at the SINTEF foundation. Research interests include organization, leadership, collaborative industrial relations, and sociotechnical systems theory, and he has conducted action research in many manufacturing systems. He has published and been guest editor in several journals, and in September 2019 he co-organized a special issue on “Socio-Technical Systems Thinking in Manufacturing” for the open access journal European Journal of Workplace innovation.
Andreas Dypvik Landmark
Seniorforsker SINTEF Digital.